• | of Lie, to recline. |
• | Of or pertaining to the laity, as distinct from the clergy; as, a lay person; a lay preacher; a lay brother. |
• | Not educated or cultivated; ignorant. |
• | Not belonging to, or emanating from, a particular profession; unprofessional; as, a lay opinion regarding the nature of a disease. |
• | The laity; the common people. |
• | A meadow. See Lea. |
• | Faith; creed; religious profession. |
• | A law. |
• | An obligation; a vow. |
• | A song; a simple lyrical poem; a ballad. |
• | A melody; any musical utterance. |
• | To cause to lie down, to be prostrate, or to lie against something; to put or set down; to deposit; as, to lay a book on the table; to lay a body in the grave; a shower lays the dust. |
• | To place in position; to establish firmly; to arrange with regularity; to dispose in ranks or tiers; as, to lay a corner stone; to lay bricks in a wall; to lay the covers on a table. |
• | To prepare; to make ready; to contrive; to provide; as, to lay a snare, an ambush, or a plan. |
• | To spread on a surface; as, to lay plaster or paint. |
• | To cause to be still; to calm; to allay; to suppress; to exorcise, as an evil spirit. |
• | To cause to lie dead or dying. |
• | To deposit, as a wager; to stake; to risk. |
• | To bring forth and deposit; as, to lay eggs. |
• | To apply; to put. |
• | To impose, as a burden, suffering, or punishment; to assess, as a tax; as, to lay a tax on land. |
• | To impute; to charge; to allege. |
• | To impose, as a command or a duty; as, to lay commands on one. |
• | To present or offer; as, to lay an indictment in a particular county; to lay a scheme before one. |
• | To state; to allege; as, to lay the venue. |
• | To point; to aim; as, to lay a gun. |
• | To put the strands of (a rope, a cable, etc.) in their proper places and twist or unite them; as, to lay a cable or rope. |
• | To place and arrange (pages) for a form upon the imposing stone. |
• | To place (new type) properly in the cases. |
• | To produce and deposit eggs. |
• | To take a position; to come or go; as, to lay forward; to lay aloft. |
• | To lay a wager; to bet. |
• | That which lies or is laid or is conceived of as having been laid or placed in its position; a row; a stratum; a layer; as, a lay of stone or wood. |
• | A wager. |
• | A job, price, or profit. |
• | A share of the proceeds or profits of an enterprise; as, when a man ships for a whaling voyage, he agrees for a certain lay. |
• | A measure of yarn; a lea. See 1st Lea (a). |
• | The lathe of a loom. See Lathe, 3. |
• | A plan; a scheme. |
• | of Lie |