"Didn't she just get engaged", "She's clearly cheating on him"

Posted by Jenniffer Sheldon on Wednesday, June 19, 2024

WWE Women's World Champion Rhea Ripley has taken the wrestling world by storm for the better part of the past year. Her on-screen relationship with Dominik Mysterio has seen her become one of the most popular stars in the entire company. However, a recent viral video of the two Judgment Day members seems to be rubbing more than a few fans the wrong way.

The video in question was posted to TikTok and has since been shared on other social media platforms. In the clip, Ripley can be seen flirting with and cozying up to Dirty Dom, keeping in line with their on-screen storyline.

However, for whatever reason, fans have speculated that this is proof of something more than just acting going on between the two WWE stars. This is despite both having real-life partners outside of the company.

Ripley's fiancé, AEW star Buddy Matthews, has often been the butt of jokes when it comes to The Eradicator's relationship with the young Mysterio. Fans on Twitter have kept this trend going as the latest viral video continues to gather more and more views.

Aside from the kayfabe drama, the happy couple of Ripley and Matthews continue to conquer the wrestling world. With each holding championship gold in the two largest promotions respectively, the sky is the limit for the young Australian duo.

Rhea Ripley breaks WWE star's five-month undefeated streak

On the latest edition of Monday Night RAW, Rhea Ripley defeated Indi Hartwell in what is best described as a one-sided affair. While the recent NXT call-up did manage to get a near-fall during the match, that was about as much offense as she got in and she was pinned quickly thereafter.

One interesting fact that can be taken away from this bout is that it marks Hartwell's first singles defeat inside a WWE ring since her loss to Tiffany Stratton on a March episode of NXT. Granted, Indi was sidelined for a lengthy time due to a serious injury and this was her first singles match on RAW since being called up.

While this may not have been the one-on-one debut Hartwell would have been hoping to have on WWE's flagship show, at the very least she made it onto television, which is more than can be said for other NXT call-ups.

As for Ripley, she continues to dominate RAW's women's division and with The Judgment Day by her side, The Eradicator is showing no signs of slowing down.

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